Alliance Preservation
For the
of the
Welcome to MAPLE !
This is the website for the Canadian Medical Alliance for the Preservation of the Lower Extremity. We are an organization of wound care specialists focused on healing foot and leg ulcers*, preventing amputations, and enhancing function.
*The terms "ulcers," "ulcerations," and "wounds" are used interchangeably throughout this website. They all refer to holes in
the skin that develop from a variety of causes, such as diabetes and neuropathy and circulation problems.
This website has been put together as a public service to give patients with
ulcers or at risk for ulcers, and medical practitioners not used to treating
foot and leg ulcers, some realistic medical information on this topic--
from a Canadian perspective.
There is no advertising on this site. We sell nothing. And there is
no profit derived from it. It serves for educational purposes only.
In addition to words, there are a numerous photos on this website.
Many of the images are quite graphic. The reason we have done this
is the "picture is worth a thousand words" concept--we can convey a lot
more with photos than without them. Of course, we can convey even more
with a picture and a thousand words.
We use graphic photos because it serves no purpose to sugar coat the topic. Ulcers are serious business; they may be a matter of life and death, so we want you to be properly educated about this topic. We want you to understand how serious neuropathic ulcers can be, and to feel their impact. Click here for information about the images used on this website.
So wander through the website to learn more about foot ulcers.
But keep in mind, this website is still under construction. There may be typos, every page may not be complete, and the links may not link to a page that is written yet.
This page written by Dr. S A Schumacher
Podiatric Surgeon
Surrey, British Columbia Canada
Except where otherwise noted, all clinical photographs are owned and provided by Dr. S A Schumacher. They may be reproduced for educational purposes with attribution to: Dr. S A Schumacher, Surrey, BC Canada and a link back to
"Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens to the which our wills are gardeners."
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